Monday, December 29, 2014

Gado-Gado Recipe, Indonesia's Traditional Salad

Here is Indonesian trademark of "vegetable salad". Gado-gado is one of the oldest traditional Indonesia's culinary. Taste the full combination of mixed vegetable and spicy peanut sauce.

Gado-Gado recipe have a lot of variation. One of the most popular version is Jakarta's gado-gado. So many food street vendors selling these gado-gado and also have a lot of combination too. Either you served it with rice or noodle, gado-gado will be a great vegetable salad from Indonesian cuisine that you have to taste!

Check out this how to make gado-gado original recipe!


  1. White Tofu 150-200g or 3 to 4 large size tofu
  2. Tempe 150-200g
  3. Hard Boiled Chicken eggs 2-3, peeled and halved
  4. Been Sprouts 150g blanched, clean the roots (lower section)
  5. Long beans cut into 2 inch long
  6. Cucumber medium size, peeled, and cut into small pieces
  7. Green Pare as you pleased
  8. Cabbage 100g, cut into small pieces

Sauce Ingredients:

    1. Garlic medium to large size 7pcs, 5pcs mashed until it become paste, 2pcs for tofu and tempe seasoning before fried
    2. Peanut - Roasted 250-280g, mashed it until soft
    3. Red Chili, depends on your own preferences
    4. Coconut milk 500ml 
    5. Tamarind 3 spoon 
    6. Lime Leaves 4-5 pieces
    7. Brown Sugar 50-60g
    8. Salt 1 tablespoon for each tofu and tempe seasoning
    9. Coriander 3/4 teaspoon

Optional Ingredients:

  1. Leaf lettuce 150-200g (optional)
  2. Fried Onions
  3. Prawn Crackers
  4. Spinach blanched & roughly chopped
  5. Melinjo Crackers (emping)


  1. First of all, we should make the peanut sauce. While in this process you can boil all the vegetables until slighly cooked and cut it into your own taste
  2. Prepare medium size frying pan with a low heat and give a little bit cooking oil for sautering
  3. Insert the garlic paste , chili and lime leaves (4-5 pcs). Saute and stir until the fragrance is good
  4. Enter the coconut milk, and stir it until it blend perfectly with the spices above (step no.3)
  5. Insert the roasted peanut that has been refined. Mix and stir it until all ingredients are well blended and the coconut milk is simmering.
  6. Insert the tamarind water, and brown sugar that has been mixed and and stir it until all ingredients before, combined perfectly,
  7. Insert the salt until it taste enough, stir it again until the smell of brown sugar and the roasted peanut mixed and smells fragrant
  8. Fry the tofu and tempe, but before you fry it, don't forget to dip it into the 2 pcs garlic water and salt to make it more tasty. This is how; Mix the garlic and coriander together, give enough water and salt, and after that you can fry it into the pan
  9. Prepare the frying pan with enough oil and medium heat
  10. Insert the tofu and tempe that has already been dipped into the seasoning before
  11. Fry the tofu and tempe until it becomes brown and cooked well, cut it into pieces
  12. Take and combine all the vegetables that already been boiled and cut it into your own taste
  13. Put it on the plate, and combine it with the tofu, tempe. eggs together
  14. The last one , put the peanut sauce as you like it.

Enjoy ! This gado-gado is the heritage of Indonesian Traditional culinary.

We hope you enjoy this traditional gado-gado recipe, check out for more Indonesian food recipes.

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